Instincts and tendencies drive people towards certain human behaviours and reactions. They exist before memory and learning develop and are integral characteristics of our biological species. As cerebral anomalies from birth, they dominate and determine various human behaviours for dealing with certain situations, through the body’s neurons.
Therefore, all passions, whether good or bad, are a result of ancient instincts that drive all biological organisms and turn reaction to action. Unfortunately, people are driven and directed many times by their animalistic instincts and act in a harmful way towards others not only shamelessly, but with full knowledge that they are causing pain and damage for the simple reason of getting a sick pleasure out of it which they gleefully enjoy. These are evil and bored people who have nothing interesting to do, people who look for entertainment in another person’s pain. For their own personal reasons, all deriving from overpowering bad instincts, these people enjoy human misery.
The first time I came across such unpleasantness was in the army, when the older soldiers repressed the younger ones by exercising extreme bullying. I encountered exactly the same on sea-going ships when I was a new recruit in my youth. Solitary people wallowing in the loneliness of endless voyages across the oceans, who manufacture and create situations, undermine younger sailors, especially those who’s appearance and demeanour make them appear weaker. This caused some groups of foreign seamen to isolate themselves by hermetically closing themselves in their cabins after their shift.
I was employed on the ship “Eugenie” for some months. We would take on cargo from the port of Ras Tanoura in Saudi Arabia and travel back mainly to European countries. This voyage lasted a long time as the Suez Canal was closed and we had to sail around Africa to reach or destination. I remember we needed about one month to sail the Indian and Atlantic Oceans.
It was not just the long voyage that forced us to find companionship in the sea and sky, but also the fact that at Ras Tanoura we had to remain anchored without access to land sometimes for a number of days.
Therefore, the lonely hours of the sailors were long, and each sailor sought ways to pass the time, ways to feel some enjoyment, sometimes with whatever means. Some worked overtime, others read, some wrote. Many lost themselves in the giddy intoxication of booze, others used substances that made them feel closer to God, narcotics or even chemicals that changed the structure of their brains overstimulating them and making them feel good.
Unfortunately, sometimes people would resort to cruel and inhumane actions to entertain themselves, and, maybe because they had some kind of sick mental disorder, would come up with and create intrigues and conspiracies. They would devise plans to trick their colleagues and create dangerous situations for them, just so they could sit back and watch the consequences unfold and entertain their boring solitude.
Under these circumstances on this ship, and during a voyage lasting over two months, our ship’s pump man, who had no work to do since his work was mainly during our stay in ports, organised a whole plan of underhanded action against me, and cunningly tried to implement it.
The pump man is the person in charge of pumping petrol from the ship’s tanks into other storage or transportation units. He oversees the smooth operation of the system and is the only one in charge of the piping, filters and valves which allow pumping from the relevant tanks. He is also in charge of spare parts and deck machinery directly connected with the transportation of liquid cargo. During the whole voyage, his only job is to monitor the tanks and keep the cargo at a steady temperature, to prevent it from solidifying, and be ready for pumping at the next port. In such case, he asks the engine room to channel steam which he also uses for other work on the machinery relevant to the ship’s tanks. When the ship is in port however, he is on active duty at all times, day and night, as he is needed for the completion of a smooth discharge and subsequent ballasting of the tanks. This job requires great stamina during loading and discharge, but also during the voyage, as during the voyage he remains idle and has to withstand the boredom of not being fully active since he has no duties to carry out.
The pump man was twice my age and seemed serious and heavy going, a modest man of few words. The whole crew showed him respect. Even the officers, the captain and second officer, were polite when issuing his orders. Whatever he said was properly justified, documented and very polite. In a few words, he was a man of good standing and personality. I respected and admired him, and he reciprocated. In the varied mix of people and nationalities of tough sailors that formed the crew, where most had crude and cruel, sometimes even indifferent, manners of behaviour, the pump man stood out like a good teacher who was loved by his pupils. 
 We met daily in the cafeteria and chatted. He was a simple man and very approachable, a man you could trust. As time passed, we spoke about a variety of things. I said a lot about the situation in Cyprus as only a little time had passed since the Turkish invasion of the island, and as this tragedy was still fresh, it was an interesting subject for all.
I told him about the situation before the invasion, about EOKA B’ and the followers of Makarios, the violence and murders between both factions, about the tragic events that took place on the long-suffering island and that the entire Greek population was embroiled in the battle between the two men. We even spoke about the previous situation and the epic struggle of the first EOKA when the people, with the youth in the forefront, young boys in their teenage years, rose and fought a great struggle and managed to overthrow the British colonialists, without fear of torture and death.
He was very interested to learn about Cyprus and I was happy to talk to him about Cyprus historical and prehistorical times.
When two people are in contact for a length of time, and when a lot of things are said during endless conversations, some of these things are deep secrets that would not have been revealed under other circumstances. So, I revealed to him some things in which I was involved during those difficult times in Cyprus, when brother turned against brother, and when discord had nested and flourished in the souls and hearts of the people because of the propaganda relating to the clash between the two men, Archbishop Makarios and Grivas Dighenis.
Being very young, I trusted and considered the pump man my friend and a person who cared about me. When someone is away from home and especially in a tanker where life is harsh and difficult and sailors form pseudo-friendships as we are cursed with loving the sea and not loving each other, I was relieved and pleased to have the pump man as my friend, brother, father. It was a great joy to feel that there was a person to whom I could confide about my loneliness, nostalgia, fears, to feel I had someone to lean on for both happy times and times of sorrow.
During our long conversations and analyses, he gave me advice, but he also caused me to wonder about various things, behaviours, and mainly the consequences of our actions. Our conversations were mainly about my activities during the period of discord in Cyprus. Discussions which, in hindsight, I realized were aimed at artfully impregnating my brain with the idea that the English were involved in this discord and that they very successfully applied the “divide and conquer” principle, that they were heinous conquerors and oppressors of weak people. Thus, he slowly filled my young soul with hatred against them.
The wireless operator of the ship was British. He was large, blue-eyed and blonde and had short curly hair. He was ugly and unlikeable, he reminded me of English officers behind desks, coldly issuing harsh orders, he reminded me of the ugly torturers of the EOKA fighters who, without wearing masks and with faces immune to the suffering of their victims, tortured young lads, sometimes even to death. With a little encouragement from my friend the pump man, my soul slowly-slowly filled with dislike and hatred for the “disgusting” wireless operator.
The wireless operator had no contact with anyone, he remained alone, closed in his narrow room with his machinery for company, listening on a 24-hour basis to various messages, unknown voices and languages, messages from other ships and coastal stations with nobody to relieve him as there was no second wireless operator. He would come down to the mess and take his food into his cabin. He seldomly greeted anyone and, whenever we came across each other in the narrow passageways of the ship, we both felt a mutual aversion. This went on for many days and, as time passed, I understood that our mutual hatred grew and was becoming dangerous.   
Surely this situation was worrying, and I naturally discussed it with my friend, the pump man. He reassured me and told me that it was natural for this to be happening as the British never got over their defeat from the Cypriots but assured me not to worry because they were friends, and he would have a word with him.
 Time passed and every time we met, I realized he looked at me with a wild look on his face, a look that I took as that of someone who wanted to attack me.
My friend the pump man advised me to be careful because, no matter how many times he spoke to the wireless operator, he was adamant and wicked, fixated like a psychopath, had taken the whole thing as a matter of patriotic pride, and was determined to harm me.       
This story lasted a long time. When I later considered matters, the pump man had a lot of comings and goings between us, pretended to both that he was a friend, and created not only hatred and dislike between us but also fear that one was out to harm the other.
One day he called me and told me to be twice as vigilant because he realised that the wireless operator was a schizophrenic and was driven to madness by the hatred he had for me. From what he was saying, he concluded that he was planning to ambush me within the upcoming dark nights and throw me into the sea. I asked him what I should do, should I go to the captain? But he answered that aboard a ship there are no laws to protect me like those on land and that the captain would probably consider it a joke. Being gullible, I believed him because he was a veteran and I considered him to be my friend.                 
Things had come to a head. I thought of going to the captain but, by the time he ordered an enquiry, the bad deed would probably be done. I decided that I needed to act first. I should implement on him the plan he had for me. I knew that every night he would descend to the small kitchenette and fill a plate with cheese, salami and bread and take them up to his cabin to eat as he hardly slept during the day and night. In order to reach the small kitchenette, he descended from a higher deck where his cabin was situated, via external stairs.
I would lay in wait under the stairs that night and, using a large wrench taken from the engine room, I would strike him on the head and push him into the sea where he would be lost forever.
This thought terrified me, but I had no more time, the fear inside me for my life was intense, a living hell. It had reached a point where I had become a desperate man, determined to carry out my plan in the belief that it was a case of him or me.
I had finished my 16:00-20:00 shift in the engine room, showered and made myself a frape coffee. As I did every day during long, endless voyages, until my next shift, I lounged on the couch in my cabin and either read a novel or played my beloved guitar, entertaining myself and my loneliness.

That day, with my frape in hand, I sat on the couch thinking of the difficult decision I had taken and had to carry out. Filled with difficult thoughts I absentmindedly stared at the floor and then at the ceiling. My head was spinning and felt ready to explode as I tried to convince my brain to accept the big decision I had reached. Time was passing but I could not relax. To the contrary, I was getting agitated. It was a very difficult decision and I was deeply troubled. I thought about it, then thought about it again in an attempt to find another solution, but my mind was blocked and in despair.
At some stage, I heard a noise and lifted my head to see the wireless operator standing at my open door. I was startled and afraid and instinctively I jumped to my feet and immediately grabbed the wrench I had hung on my wall a few days ago just in case it was needed. I was ready to attack.
As I stood expecting him to attack me, I saw him suddenly fall to his knees crying pitifully, asking me why I wanted to kill him. Totally taken aback from this turn of events, I immediately realised that all was a nasty game played by the pump man for fun, to amuse himself in this way and satisfy his miserable and callous instincts.
-      “Cypriot” said the wireless operator, in a shaky voice, “I’m an Irishman and I love Cypriots because we face the same struggles against the British. I never meant you any harm, why do you want to harm me?”
It immediately dawned on me. This was a misunderstanding created by the pump man who lied to each one of us in order to make us believe that there was an issue between us. As we both considered him a friend, we gave credibility and believed everything he said.
Realising the nasty and underhanded game played against us by the pump man without us having a clue, and now that everything had cleared, I felt relief and joy, but also great anger against him.
I invited the wireless operator to sit, we started talking and became friends. We explained everything to each other and started thinking how to get back at the pump man who caused us to live for days under fear for our lives.
Yes, we would certainly get back at him. An eye for an eye, especially now that we were two against one. We would let him stew in his own juice for a long time, knowing and fearing that we were definitely going to punish him. It was about time that he lived through a fear similar to the one he managed to plant into our hearts. And, when least expected and when we thought the time was right, we would get him back.

Pull-ups on a single bar are one of few exercises that measure the pure strength of an athlete. It is one of the exercises integrated in the training of sports and military academies, as well as in the training of security forces. In order to be successful in exercises on the single bar, the athlete needs to know that he is in for hard, painful and intense training, requiring a lot of work and patience.
Lifting the body over the bar in an upright position with arms stretched downwards for support is a very difficult exercise and one to be achieved only after a lot of practice. This is a very difficult position to maintain and, apart from practice, the athlete is also required to have a lot of physical strength. I watched a new officer cadet called Makis, if I remember correctly, doing this exercise on the ship and observed many trying to imitate him, without success. At first glance, the exercise seems easy as it looks like an exercise of simply swinging with technique, however, it requires great muscular power and a lot of practice in order to perfect it.
The new cadet was about 35 years old, with rough features and a well-built body, yet he had a kind and gentle demeanour. He formed friendships with the deck crew and almost every day they sat in the corridor outside his cabin and drank whisky until they collapsed. It was their fun and their way out of the interminable loneliness of the ship. He associated mostly with a well-built sailor who said he was a professional weightlifter.
He looked a little stupid, but his body was so solidly built, we called him “The Wall”. Just like the Chios islanders would always walk in pairs during the Ottoman occupation, these two muscle-bound strongmen were always together. They formed a powerful unit and using the hot and dry air on the deck over the engine room caused by the steam-producing boilers as an excuse, they walked around half naked, exposing their huge muscles, in a blatant attempt at showing off.
As the new officer cadet and I were colleagues, our cabins were close. Despite this, we didn’t form any particular friendship and he kept his distance. When we frequently met in the engine room, he would hang off a thick rail and execute difficult single bar exercises, wanting in this way to show off his strength and power. I interpreted these moves as his way of giving me the message that he was the sailor’s friend and would go against me in case I ever crossed the sailor again. A few weeks previously, I had words with his friend the sailor, and that offended him. This was the reason why the cadet held a grudge against me.
In the engine room of the ship there was an L-shaped rail with a ¾ inch diameter. It was next to the console with the control indicators. It started from the deck floor and ended at the base of the evaporator, forming a perfect single bar. This is where I exercised for hours and managed to become very good at pull-ups, having started my regime from the beginning of my commission on this ship and practicing during my night shifts and while everyone was asleep. However, at first, I could not manage this new exercise. Because of our non-verbal conflict however, I needed to succeed. Fortunately, I had not tried it in front of others, so I was the only one who knew my weakness. I felt I definitely needed to achieve this exercise because I knew that there is respect between adversaries when one acknowledges the value of the other. I believed that in this way, managing to execute this difficult exercise, I would prevent the two of them from trying anything against me in the future, due to my previous argument with the sailor.      
Showing one’s strength sometimes acts like a form of defence and prevents bullying, but most times it is a sick characteristic of the bullies themselves. Though “bully” was initially synonymous with a strong man admired by everyone, the meaning of the word lost favour and now symbolised a “lad” who had no respect for anything. Bullies are a particular type of person, they are the protagonists of situations and don’t limit themselves to exhibiting their strength, they also exercise a psychological tyranny of terror and, through systematic and unprovoked oppression or even use of force lead their victims, that is to say, the ones who cannot react, into a stressful situation of fear that destroys them psychologically. The ultimate aim of the bully is retaining control, sometimes for the sole purpose of feeling powerful and confident. As most people want to be better than others, don’t have the way or the means to do so and yet still want to stand out, consciously or subconsciously they try to display their strengths and abilities. There are others however who still want to excel yet are noble and socially educated, so they try to do so through honourable competition, succeeding in this way to emerge as champions and prove themselves. These are proud people who do not stoop down to the level of appearing superior to the detriment of other, weaker, individuals. These are the people who have evolved away from the instincts of greed for supremacy, who have earned respect and admiration through their own worth and not through power.
For the next few weeks during my shift and after having gone through the standard inspection of the engine and auxiliary machinery which did not take me longer than 30 minutes, I exercised hard on the single bar wanting to perfect this exercise. In the beginning of my endeavours, my muscles became stiff and I was in a lot of pain, but I stubbornly continued exercising without resting.
Wanting to make the most from my routine, I exercised hard, and constantly pushed myself thinking that obviously, the harder I exercised, the better I would become. I was not interested in exercising properly, all I cared about was to complete the specific difficult stunt. After a few days, and I remember this as if it was yesterday, I managed to do the first pull-up. I was so happy, but during the next days, sometimes I managed it and sometimes I didn’t. Unphased, I continued without paying attention to the third officer who was on shift with me. The poor guy wanted some company to pass the difficult hours of our night shift and constantly tried to make conversation, but I took no notice and stubbornly continued my practice.
I remember some weeks had gone by, we were approaching Rotterdam, and I was almost ready. I was able to carry out some pull-ups with great effort, and this would prove that I was very good on the single bar…
I was on morning shift 08.00-12.00 that day, and the whole crew, both from the engine room and the deck, were on standby to dock. Our movements in the engine room were standard, the first officer overseeing the engine’s operation and the stoker either increasing or decreasing the heat in the boilers, depending on the desired ship’s manoeuvres. 
We were all in a good mood because we were going ashore after a month at sea. Rotterdam, one of the most multicultural cities in Europe was known not only for having the largest port in the world but also for its drug and sex tourism, as both were legal. In the streets of Katendrecht one could see people strolling without a care in the world holding a spliff, and in shop windows, where other Europeans would advertise their products, in Holland they advertised prostitutes. They were inside the shop windows on display and the passers-by could choose and purchase their services, which were offered behind the windows, in specially designed areas.

So, in the midst of joy and expectation and in the prevailing light-hearted euphoria, all of us, mechanics, cleaners, oilers, cadets, electricians, third, second and first engineers, were teasing each other. A rather short young oiler named Mitsos, who came aboard at the last port, was waiting in earnest to go ashore and buy a plastic doll from a sex-shop, others were eager to buy substances and others to simply walk about and go to the Greek music taverns in town, renowned among the sailors.

I chose this day, while we were all gathered in the engine room around an open space and, with a leap, I grabbed the single bar and started doing pull-ups. I completed my display in a few minutes and with the corner of my eye I caught my colleague watching me with surprise all over his face. Others applauded and others teased me without realising the difficulty of the exercise, unlike Makis, who understood only too well and watched me full of surprise.
Pleased, and with the hope that he received my message, I leaned on the railings and watched the turbine on the lower deck spinning fast and whistling loudly, then gently, depending on the amount of steam the second engineer was allowing through.

We tied in port and those of us who were not on duty alighted and walked the long dock into the busy city. It was evening and while waiting for the night so we could go to the red-light district, we walked the town looking around or shopping, even registering landmarks to find our way back to the suspicious places we wanted to visit at night to unwind and relax.   

The next day, in the afternoon and after we had sailed, I sat in my cabin with the door opened listening to the crazy bunch of seamen outside Makis’s cabin clinking glasses and laughing at their own jokes.
In the meantime, I had noticed a change in his stance towards me. He did not avoid me when meeting me previously and even on shore we sat at a pub and exchanged a few sentences. In other words, I had hit bull’s eye with what I had set out to achieve by executing the difficult gymnastics on the single bar.

He called me to join their group and have a glass with them, but I refused explaining I was not a drinker. He invited me to stand outside Mitsos’s cabin after he came off shift, to have a laugh when he inflated the doll he bought to use as a sex aid.
I liked the idea. In any case Mitsos and I were friends and had great laughs together so I was sure he wouldn’t mind.

So, Mitsos came off shift and entered his cabin that was between mine and that of Makis. We calculated the time he needed to begin his task and allowed it to pass, and all of us gathered outside his cabin, taking turns to peep through the keyhole, and listening to the sounds emanating from within. We heard him blowing hard and inflating the doll. There was silence until he drew another breath and then, a loud bang broke the silence. At first, we were startled and stood speechless unable to understand what had happened. Then a sailor shouted:

-      “The doll exploded!”,

and we all fell about laughing.

Inside the cabin, Mitsos started swearing and shouting, not because he was interrupted half way through his sexual encounter, but because he was cheated and sold a faulty doll.  
The vessel “EUGENIE” belonged to Stavros Niarchos company and was a seaworthy, 70,000-ton tanker. It sailed the rough waters of the Atlantic without much rolling and pitching because it had full a ballast and the ship sat low in the water and was therefore not at the mercy of the waves and currents. I remember it was a heavy winter and a few days before Christmas. We were travelling from the North Atlantic to the South and then to the Indian Ocean with our destination being the Persian Gulf to take on cargo. The Suez Canal had not opened yet, so we were forced to sail around Africa. We unexpectedly received orders to sail to the Skaramangas shipyards for minor repairs, mainly to paint the hull of the ship, because the company had no charter for us at that time.
The crew comprised of many races, but most members were Greeks, from Greece. On hearing that we were heading for Greece and they would be able to spend the Christmas holiday with their families, they were very happy and joyful. They welcomed the news with excitement and cheered, their smiling faces beaming. In the afternoon, after break, a big party was set up in the main dining room and, with captain’s orders, the second officer took free drinks out of transit and the steward served nuts and lots of goodies, adding to the joy and celebration. The booze was plentiful, but happiness prevented people from getting drunk, everyone was suddenly nostalgic to arrive home. The whole crew, officers, sailors, formed a festive crowd, enjoyed themselves and rejoiced with thoughts of returning home.     
-      “Cheers!” said the captain,
-      “Cheers” answered the deckhand,
and they would clink their glasses.
At some stage, a third Engineer who was Cretan and called Minas, I still remember his name, a polite man and an intellectual, got up and made a long toast. Among other things, he said:
-      “Santa Claus brings presents for the children at Christmas but this year he also brought a present for us.”
 Yes, I thought, a wonderful Christmas miracle for all of us to enjoy. We feel wonderful and everything around us is brilliant, because it is a great and wonderful thing for a seaman to wake up on Christmas day in his home and with his family. It is a joy experienced mainly by people who are forced to live away from their families, especially seamen whose profession has them spending many festive seasons away from their loved ones.
We were sailing with the Atlantic Ocean at starboard and the Gibraltar Straits at port when we received the message for our new destination. We turned to port and entered the Mediterranean Sea, the largest enclosed sea in the world, contained by three continents, Europe, Asia and Africa. We sailed the straits accompanied by dolphins and seagulls. We passed Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and finally Malta, left them behind and entered the Ionian Sea.
The Skaramangas shipyard is the largest and oldest modern shipyard facility in Greece and was founded in 1958 by shipowner Stavros Niarchos, our employer, for the building and maintenance of his ships but also for repairing the second-hand ships purchased by his shipping company. It was close to Athens And Piraeus so our access to both cities was easy.

We entered the harbour of Skaramangas and we tied on the pier until one of the drydocks became vacant for us to enter. Drydocks are big narrow tanks inside which large vessels just fit, supported by big cranes. When the vessel enters, locks are sealed, and the water is drained. Thus, the ship remains suspended and secured so that engineers may work on its outer parts without water getting in their way.

The whole crew hurriedly donned their best clothes and rushed to go ashore and run to their families, some close and others further away. The captain had arranged that only a few necessary crew members were to return to the ship the next day, in order to place it in the drydock. After this we would carry out a “blackout” and abandon ship.

As we still needed to carry out some maneuvers the next day in order to place the ship in drydock, the engine room remained operational. Being a Cypriot with my home far away, I was chosen to carry out the night shift together with a stoker. A sailor was chosen the same way to watch the deck and bridge. The rest of the crew went ashore with the families of some waiting for them at the bottom of the long steps as they were informed and had come to welcome their loved ones.

The next morning the captain returned with the second officer, the boatswain and the first and second engineers. Under the guidance of the shipyard’s pilot and the assistance of a tug and some light movements of the engine, we placed the ship in drydock. We then begun to carry out a blackout, that is to say, turn off all machinery and the power generator. The ship was now a dark, lifeless corpse, and we left it there. We were going to visit the offices of the company on Miaoulis street in Piraeus to be paid for our service. Those of us wishing to continue their contract would be sent to other ships or could wait for completion of repairs on the “EUGENIE” in order to continue their commission there.  

Since nobody was waiting for me, I was not in a hurry to leave. I wanted to watch the process of draining the water from the drydock and see the ship on which I lived for almost one year standing out of the water, in its full size and in all its glory.
When the water drained and the entire ship appeared, the sight of it was impressive and a little daunting. Standing almost at its base and looking up its immense height, the whole sight was awesome. A magnificent monster, more than 300 meters long and about 10 meters high to deck level, and more up to bridge level.

I stood there quite a while admiring it and watched the workers starting to use machinery of the latest technology to inspect and work on the thick plates that spent years in salty water and had started rusting and needing debridement and a few coats of paint.   

After a while I got tired and went over to a little hill opposite and sat at a table outside one of the shipyard canteens on a veranda and watched the huge shipyard under my feet buzzing with life and the workers and engineers working like bees.

Midday passed, afternoon was upon us, and I was still sitting there alone, with a wonderful feeling of standing on sturdy dry land without being rocked by the movement of the sea, sipping my fourth beer, with my mind a little dizzy from the brew, gently travelling on thoughts of the future and what was meant to be.

I asked the proprietor to call me a taxi and I headed to Piraeus. The “Voskopoula” was on a street off Akti Miaouli, a few meters up and was a coffee shop frequented only by seamen. It was the meeting place of all Cypriots working on ships and when I was on shore, I always lounged there in the hope of meeting someone I knew, or, at least, get some news about Cyprus as things on the unfortunate island after the Turkish invasion were difficult.

It was dark and people were walking fast, the locals wanting to leave the area before nightfall, as it filled with foreigners and people of the night, with Troumba street, the infamous area full of cabarets and shady pimps lurking around corners looking for prey, being parallel to Akti Miaouli.

I entered “Voskopoula” and had a look around but didn’t see anyone I knew. I sat at a table and ordered a large cool mahallepi desert with sugar, rose cordial and plenty of aromatic rosewater.
While enjoying this tasty Cypriot sweet, I observed those around me. After such a long time the Cypriot dialect echoed pleasantly in my ears, a sound so melodic and full of poetic rhymes, a language historians claim is a unique ancient dialect still alive today.

People were going in and out and I just watched. I had all of God’s time, I was in no hurry. I saw many different types going in and out, young boys and middle-aged men, some well-dressed and others shabby, some smiling and others looking morose. Each having a mix of feelings, each having his own set of problems, some were happy because they were ashore, and others were sad because they were about to set sail on long voyages. Tough faces, soft faces, faces sculpted by sun and salt, or pale from the misty air of the engine room. I was observant and I enjoyed crowd watching.

I sat like that for quite a while when suddenly at the door I saw my uncle Nicholis, my father’s youngest brother. Surprised, I called him, and he, knowing I was working on ships, was not too surprised to see me. I was, however, because I didn’t know he was abroad. He came and sat with me.
We sat and talked for some time and we caught up. Our conversation was endless, and so were the questions. He told me his news and I told him mine.

Due to the war, work on the island was scarce. He was a good builder and his profession was well sought after because the government was building housing for the refugees, the pay, however, was very low. So, he decided to sail as a deckhand on a small ship that smuggled cigarettes in the Mediterranean. This was a dangerous job because, if caught, he would be thrown in jail for many years. He was a risk taker however, so he took the risk.  He was tall, a fully trained army commando expert at body to body combat, with or without weapons. During an occurrence on the ship when an Arab tried to stab the captain, he got in the middle, grabbed the blade in his bare hand, immobilized and arrested the dangerous criminal.

This type of ship employed all sorts as a crew, any criminal and lawless persons were welcome. Life was dangerous and many vanished in the deep sea without a trace.

The captain was a hardened man, inhumane and cruel, and this behaviour exposed him to danger. He immediately hired my uncle as his bodyguard and promoted him to first officer, with a fat salary to match the position.
I envied his good fortune because I had served for two years on Stavros Niarchos’ ships and I was still a cadet. This company did not usually promote seamen who trained on the job because they had their own shipping school that trained all levels of expertise. So, hearing how easily Nicholis was promoted to officer, I decided to ask the personnel manager of the company to promote me, otherwise I would switch company.

The sky over Piraeus was cloudy and dark without stars. Maybe it was getting ready to rain, but Akti Miaouli and its side streets were brightly illuminated  under the neon signs of the countless shops and large streetlights on top of the electricity grid’s poles.

Nicholis and I left Voskopoula coffeeshop and headed towards Pasalimani to visit one of his friends who worked there. The plan was to meet him after work, and he was going to take us to a nightclub on Iera Odos. He was a frequent patron and he bragged that we were in for a good time.

Pasalimani, or, as it is known otherwise, the port of Zea, was a cosmopolitan part of Piraeus. The view towards the open sea takes the visitors on wonderful imaginary journeys. The entire coastal zone of Pasalimani is taken over by restaurants, taverns, cafeterias and all sorts of establishments where one can sit and enjoy Greek and Mediterranean delicacies washing them down with choice Greek wines and Ouzo, while enjoying the wonderful view of ships, yachts and sailboats tied at the marina or sailing on the calm waters.

When we arrived, it was late at night, but the little harbour was brightly lit and buzzing with life. My uncle’s friend worked in a fast food joint which mainly sold roast chickens and he delivered on a small motorbike. It was a tiny shop right on the pier which barely held the roasting oven and just managed to cook and sell the chickens. It also had two small tables on the pavement with two chairs each. It was a one-way street and immediately after was the sea. In this idyllic location and in order to pass the time until our friend got off work, we sat at one of the tables and ordered a whole chicken, just plain chicken with no sides, and a bottle of retsina. We ate and drank, talking and enjoying the beautiful view of the port of Zea, the renowned Pasalimani. Time passed pleasantly and I was very happy that after so long, I came across one of my own, one of my relatives.

Iera Odos is the oldest road in Greece, the national route that connected Athens with Northern Greece and Epirus. It still exists to this day and is well known, especially because of the antiquities found alongside it, but also for the best nightclubs of Athens. At the time, the 70’s, there were many seedy places and joints set up in prefabricated and makeshift structures, and Iera Odos was famous for them.

The seedy nightclubs known in Greece as “skyladika” existed during those decades but are no longer. The golden age of this type of club has passed and the youth of today don’t have first-hand knowledge of what a “skyladiko” represented in older days. This one word described a nightclub where the customer could find whatever he wished in terms of entertainment, female company, drugs, pleasure, enjoyment, joy.

It was late and my new friend finished work. He washed a little and soaked his hair with oil to made it shine. He had a thin moustache, just a line of hair on his upper lip, and he was the spitting image of Clark Gable.

The taxi let us outside a dark door with no sign. This was an indication that the joint was frequented only by the people who knew about it. It was passed midnight and, as the door opened, I saw a long room with empty walls and no decorations. It was practically derelict. In the back, a band was playing a soulful song and the bosses and staff were all sitting at one table. As soon as we entered, one of them approached accompanied by one of the heavies and greeted us wholeheartedly, as if he had known us for years. He obviously knew our new friend however, because he greeted him by name. He arranged for us to sit in a darkened corner and they served us graciously. Soon, the songstress of the place came to greet us, and we invited her to sit at our table. We ordered a large bottle of Johnny Walker whisky and filled our glasses. We were in the mood to get drunk and intended to go off the rails. 

I noticed my uncle’s friend getting up and walking to the opposite wall, pushing a door that was not visible in the semi-darkness and had no sign over it, like “toilet” for instance. Despite this, I assumed he went to answer the call of nature. Time passed and he did not return, so I realized that he had gone to get high.
My uncle was immersed in a close conversation with the singer, so I was left alone to listen to the music and observe the place.
As time passed, the singer performed some songs from our table without getting up, while my uncle Nicholis ordered a second bottle, plenty of flowers and a few bottles of champagne…

At some stage the entrance door opened and a girl with a beautiful body entered. She walked with a limp as one of her legs was shorter than the other. She quickly walked to the table where the boss was sitting, and they exchanged some words. She then turned around and came to our table. I was not surprised because I understood that she was one of the girls used by the establishment to encourage the consumption of drinks, something like a shot girl. What surprised me however was her bold move as soon as she sat next to me.

It was a move I remember to this day exactly as it happened, as if it happened yesterday. Just as she bent her body to sit on the chair next to me, she leaned towards me and with a sudden movement revealed her breasts stuffing a nipple in my mouth. Startled, I remained motionless, not knowing what to do. I remember the soft skin of her breast, a plump breast, one of the most beautiful breasts I have ever kissed in my life. It seemed magical, sweet tasting and soft. I was mezmerised, spellbound, befuddled, I don’t know. What I do know however is that I remained motionless with my face buried in her cleavage. I liked it and responded to her touch, I thought that I was about to have a very good night. Listening to the sad melody of the bouzouki and the bittersweet lyrics of the song, with alcohol freely flowing while making out with the girl sitting next to me, I didn’t care how much we spent. I didn’t care, my uncle having an equally good time next to me didn’t care either, we had hit the jackpot and, as far as we were concerned, they could take everything we had.          

Time passed, and we were still having a good time. The bill was increasing, and we gave no notice to the fact that our friend was still missing.

-      “Leave him”, said my uncle, “he must be lying somewhere inside, high on drugs”.

As time was passing, the girls succeeded in making us spend more and more.

“This is the meaning of a “skyladiko””, I thought, “Just a few customers, yet the bills are getting higher and higher.”

At the same time however, I was also thinking “what if our money is not enough, what will happen to us in foreign country, inside a “skyladiko”?”

The police got us out of the tight spot. In the early hours, members of the police force raided the place and stood us all against the wall. We were all frightened, so nobody protested, the customers, the musicians, the bosses, us, nobody. At the time, the police force in Greece could do anything they wanted without being accountable and without being under an obligation to justify their actions. The arrested people as they liked and jailed them in holding cells for questioning. A slight suspicion is all it took. They justified their actions by claiming they wanted to reduce criminality that was on the rise and had reached great heights. Many were arrested and tortured, some had even disappeared without a trace. The circumstances prevailing at the time were chaotic, it was the time a little before the handing over of power by the Junta to the politicians.               

After we were searched, we were led out into the yard and were ordered to get into the paddy wagon parked outside. They had also dragged our friend out with us. He was fully doped up and they laid him down on the pavement, unconscious.

-      “God help us, we are going to suffer”, I thought.

I had heard stories about the behaviour of policemen against prisoners and I was overwhelmed with dread.
My uncle Nickolis, however, was more cool-headed and asked to speak to the officer in charge.

-      “I have a brother who is an officer in the Cyprus Army” he said, “we are on your side, we are your brothers and we support you and your government”.

I was happy to see the officer give attention to my uncle, asking for his brother’s name.

-      “Kokos Tapakoudes, he’s a second lieutenant”, he answered.

The officer in charge walked away, holding a walkie-talkie to his ear. He soon returned and told us that it was okay, we and our friend could leave.
They gathered all the rest into the paddy-wagon, and we were left with our unconscious friend alone and free, in the night.

The next day I went to the company’s offices and asked for a promotion, otherwise, I explained, I would leave to be employed by another company. The man in charge looked at my file and after reading all the information about me, looked at me with satisfaction.

-      “You have a good record”, he said. “But, as you know, we have our own shipping school and our policy is to only promote our cadets. In your case, I will make an exception. If you are able to ship out immediately on the same ship which is leaving in two-three days, I will recruit you with the rank of Junior Engineer”.

Junior Engineer means exactly that, a junior engineer, it was the rank of a sub-officer who executed the duties of third Engineer. Of course, I accepted with great pleasure because the salary and overtimes would higher than previously but also because my ego was greatly flattered. The company had its own school, but my promotion was something I achieved by myself.

I got off the bus and headed towards the shipyard where the “EUGENIE” was docked, looking new after her fresh paint job. She was, once more, ready to sail and as the company had offered me a new contract for the same ship, I did not refuse. So, I climbed the tall steps and presented myself to the captain and after to the first engineer. All formalities being completed, I stowed my belongings in my old cabin and went on deck on the side of the pier, leaned on the railings, and started watching the new seamen who were arriving one by one to crew the ship. The entire crew was new except for me and one sailor. He was the weight-lifting muscle-bound guy with the square body, the one we called The Wall because his body was as thick as a thick wall.
The ship was ready to sail, we just needed some more stores which we were to pick up on our way from the St. Nicholas port in Crete.
 In the evening, all engineers, with the first engineer in charge, commenced the process of making the entire engine room fully operational. We started the electricity generator, the auxiliary machinery, the boilers, the evaporators and so on. In a few hours the whole engine room was in full operation, supplying the entire ship with energy, water, refrigeration, air conditioning. Everything was double-checked, and the engine was on standby.
At dawn, we sailed for our next long voyage with the engines on “slow”.

We arrived at St. Nicholas and anchored to take on board our remaining stores. The day started out with clouds and rain. The pump man, boatswain and a few sailors were on the deck preparing the winch to load while waiting for the launch, and they were commenting on the rain falling gently, washing the deck. Next to them, the second in command was listening while focusing his attention on the launch.

While the ship was anchored the rest of the seamen were watching the traffic in the port and the town of St. Nicholas from under the covered stern deck. Those of us not on shift stood looking at the beautiful small Cretan cove of St. Nicholas, a tiny but renowned fishing village.

-      “It’s a lovely morning”, I heard the officer say, “we will get our stores, then head to Kharg Island and take on cargo for Holland. These are our instructions for the next charter, the wireless operator just got a telegram”.   

Usually, we took on cargo without knowing our precise destination and received our instructions from the company’s office after the ship was loaded and ready to sail for any long voyage. This time we knew our destination before even sailing for the Persian Gulf.

-      “There’s the launch, it’s coming” said the engine cleaner standing next to me and pointed at a large boat coming towards us.

As it approached, it reduced speed, stuck to our side and put its engine on idle. At the stern of the launch stood a man looking towards us in earnest.

-      “He looks like my friend Antoneskos”, I thought to myself.

I stood watching him, surprised by the amazing resemblance, I was sure it wasn’t him since my childhood friend of twenty years, my lifelong friend, my friend from the same village and the same neighbourhood should not be here. I knew he was studying in Piraeus. I got the impression that the man was also looking at me but did not seem to recognize me. When he eventually came on board and stood next to me, it was with great surprise that yes! I did recognize my childhood friend Antoneskos! It was him, he had requested and got a job in the same company and the same ship as me. He wanted to surprise me, so he arrived without warning. My surprise was big, but my joy was even bigger, so I welcomed him with great pleasure. I helped him with his luggage and then took him to the captain’s office to report for duty.

So, in foreign lands and on the high seas I came across my friend and this made me very happy. I would have a companion and friend among the unknown members of the crew whose hearts usually turned hard and morose because people on tankers became cold and distant due to their great loneliness. In such surroundings and circumstances, it is a big deal to have a true friend because true friendship is a huge help when trying to deal with your troubles. Friends share joys and sorrows and in difficult times, one becomes the support of the other. Now, among Greek and sailors from foreign countries and different cultures, my friend and I will be companions and support each other.

From St. Nicholas in Crete, we sailed the tranquil waters of the Mediterranean Sea and through the straits of Gibraltar we entered the angry seas of the Atlantic. We sailed around Africa and after many, many days, we arrived at Kharg Island and tied at a platform to load our cargo. The return trip was not to be the same, it would be shorter. We would sail up the Red Sea and through the Suez Canal which, at long last, had been cleared of mines and sailing it was now allowed.

In a few days we were sailing through the Suez Canal and those of us not on duty were out on the deck observing the route.

The Suez Canal is one of the most important shipping routes of the planet. It is a manmade waterway, the largest in the world, traversing the Suez Isthmus and connecting the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. It starts from Port Said in Egypt on the Mediterranean, the city of Ismailia known as the city of beauty and Charm is approximately half way and it ends at the port of Suez, in the Gulf of the Red Sea.

We sailed the Mediterranean and passed through the Gibraltar straits. We then sailed along the coast of Portugal, through the Bay of Biscay and along the coast of France, and entered the English Channel where, somewhere near Dover, we anchored and discharged part of our cargo via a pipeline. Rotterdam was close, and in a few hours, we had arrived and tied at the large Dutch port.

At the time, Holland was a country at the centre of the worldwide news reports because it was trying a groundbreaking system in relation to the use of drugs. The government imposed a policy which received a lot of criticism and was widely discussed. We had also read about these measures in the Greek newspapers, and within the narrow and strict confines of Greek and Cypriot culture, we thought it was very advanced and unheard of.

Because Rotterdam was a large port through which millions of people and containers from all over the world passed and which, after the war, became one of the biggest centres for drug trafficking and drug use, Holland, being a very tolerant country, prepared to listen to new ideas, applied a very daring drug policy. Having in mind to fight crime that emanated from drug smuggling, the government allowed the sale of small amounts of hashish in the renowned “coffee shops” of Rotterdam and other Dutch towns, under strict regulation. This policy led to the increase of criminality around these coffee shops and the street of Katendrecht was flooded by drug addicts and everything that accompanies them. It acquired the international reputation of being a bad neighbourhood. Bars and cafeterias opened and filled with every Tom, Dick and Harry. Suspicious contraband was rife, while pimps watched their prostitutes and dealers watched their runners from afar. In other areas, small groups of people would get together possibly planning small or big illegal operations or even robberies.
It was the afternoon, my shift in the engine room had finished, and with my mate Antoneskos, we descended the long stairs of the ship and headed towards the city of Rotterdam which was located near the harbour, the first thing on our minds being the procurement of prostitutes.

The town seemed deserted on that day, with very few people and cars on the roads. Many of the shop signs were written in Greek. Restaurants, bars, places where one could hear the “rebetika” songs, and many other establishments. It was like every other port, Greece was everywhere. The Greek immigrants made their presence felt and were the owners of many shops where seamen liked to shop. The Greek merchant fleet was, at that time, the largest in the world, and Greeks crowded ever port.

It was the 70’s and nowhere, apart from America and maybe Germany, were there shop windows advertising live prostitutes. They were lined up, showing their wares and beckoning to passersby to enter and enjoy special treatments. Touts stood outside trying to describe their saucy offerings. As we were accustomed from previous ports, we listened to them and continued walking and looking for something of interest to us.

We entered a cinema advertising porn and inside, instead of seats, there were individual stands covered in hard carpet, where viewers could sit or lie and watch the risqué films. The service was excellent, beautiful girls made sure that each customer was having a good time, and there were also bouncers standing discretely in dark corners with their arms crossed, watching. They were the guards who made sure everything was as it should, without diversions from the predetermined allowed game.

In the semi-dark cinema screening porn, the viewers could not touch the partially dressed girls. Only the girls could touch the viewers wherever they wished, only the girls had the initiative. That was how the game was played and everything depended on viewers’ tips and stamina.

So, we passed the day and the night found us walking in Katendrecht, the infamous neighbourhood with its renowned “coffeeshops” and usual suspects. It was like a festival buzzing with people, hippies with large bellbottomed trousers, just like fashion required, walking lazily up and down, sweeping the streets as they passed. In the distance, where Katendrecht street ended, there was a sign over a door which read “Hellas Bar”. We entered and were joyfully greeted by the Greek clientele and proprietors who eagerly asked for news of the motherland.

We had a good time there, with cold drinks, loud music and beautiful girls to keep us company and look after us. We spent the rest of the night there until our shift approached and we had to return to the ship. Satisfied, we started walking back. For days on end we would have a lot to say and discuss about our experiences in Katendrecht, during our breaks and during long nights, sitting under the cover on the stern deck, on long voyages over oceans and seas.   

The crew of a tanker consists of the deck crew, engine crew and general services crew.
The deck crew includes the captain, the officers, the sub-officers (boatswain and pump man), sailors and cadets. The engine crew includes the officers, oilers, stokers and cleaners. Finally, the general services crew includes the wireless operator, the steward, cook, cabin boys and waiters.
In the “EUGENIE”, the cabins of mechanics and sailors were on the first deck above the engine. The deck level housed the kitchen and dining rooms, the next held the officers’ cabins and above those were the cabins of the captain, the first officer and the wireless operator.
In the beginning, as a trainee engineer, I slept in a cabin on the same level as the mechanics and lower crew, but after my promotion, I moved on the officers’ level.
There were two dining rooms for our meals, one on either side of the ship. They were big and roomy so that the crew could use them during their free time as cafeterias. The starboard dining room was used by the officers, and the port dining room by everyone else. Out of habit from my past as a trainee engineer and now as a junior engineer, I used both dining rooms, but I mostly used the second one because my childhood friend Antoneskos was a trainee engineer on this trip and he ate there.
It was a roomy area with air conditioning and a huge radio that would catch plenty of frequencies in the middle of the sea, so we always had it turned on to keep us company during our break.
The boatswain, pump man and the pump man’s assistant, a huge sailor with a square muscular body and a broken nose with a stupid face to match and who was also on our last crew, were buddies and played backgammon for hours.
The boatswain was short and red-skinned, with blue eyes and a permanent frown and I wondered how he managed to satisfy the criteria for his position. The pump man looked like an innocent peasant, a bit rough around the edges, but kind. Finally, the sailor looked like a modern-day strongman. He epitomized the phenomenon of super human strength reflected in a powerful body with obvious muscle power. As a young man he worked in construction and got involved with the sport of weightlifting by going to the gym every night after he got off work. He trained as a weightlifter during his formative years, so the constant training and exercise sculpted his body to resemble that of a strong-man.
They were all good players and from playing with each other for countless hours, their game became stereotypical. The square sailor was a good-enough player, but not as good as his companions who were more masterful. The rest of us were very interested in watching their games.
I, and I believe most of us, considered the square sailor as a personality that fell somewhere between a simple mind and an idiot, or even a moron. His square body and his physical strength compelled everyone to be friendly towards him and, with most crew members treating him in this manner, he became addicted to power and strength, and, as most people would, enjoyed it.
No idiot considers himself stupid and, while intelligent people realise their mistakes and try to correct them, idiots do not, and that results in them thinking and acting even more stupidly. When things do not turn out as they expect, they become angry and react with aggression. A skillful and intelligent person may find a way to advise and make them think more intelligently. Of course, a truly intelligent person when realizing just how deep their stupidity really lies, tries to avoid them because, at the end of the day, idiots only succeed in bringing destruction to those around them, and, indeed, without a morsel of regret. I didn’t like him because he was an imbecile, but I maintained a distance to avoid making him angry but also to avoid having any dealings with him.
My friend Andreas once made a comment on a mistake during a game and he took it wrongly, they had a bad argument and the rest of us had a very difficult task preventing him from harming Andreas. The comments were not a good reason for a fight, but the sailor’s idiocy made a big deal out of nothing.
In my opinion, a person is considered an idiot when he creates problems out of nothing thus becoming, at times, dangerous. The only way to avoid these consequences is to actually avoid these people, just as I was doing.
 The sailor’s stupidity and arrogance didn’t allow him to consider the incident resolved then and there. He began a campaign of bullying and intimidation against my friend. He kept staring at him provocatively and making comments with innuendos, and this happened on a daily basis. As the days passed, instead of the situation being defused, it became more volatile, and the results were not going to be good. The tension increased and my friend was hanging on tender hooks, while, from his position of being the one with the mightier physical power, the sailor enjoyed the terrible bullying he exercised upon a person with a weaker physique…
This was a situation that needed to end. Even though we believed that two of us against one of him would still be difficult, we felt that, nevertheless, we needed to act because the situation was worsening as the days passed.
When I was present, he avoided provoking, possibly thinking that it would not be easy fighting two persons, so we agreed to challenge him and act fast before he had the time to react. We needed to act in a way that showed him to be at fault so that we would not suffer any consequences because we planned to cause him a lot of injury in order to give him the message that we meant business and that he should stop acting like a bully.
One stormy day while the crew were in their cabins, we cornered him in the cafeteria. Andreas went in first and, upon seeing the sailor’s sarcastic smile, he responded with profanities against his mother. The sailor was momentarily taken aback and could not believe what he was hearing. He sprang out of his chair and, feeling cocky against my friend, moved aggressively towards him.
I immediately jumped in from behind and with a strong hold immobilised his arms behind him. Andreas was ready with two knuckle dusters we had made for this purpose in the engine room and started punching him with rage. He hit him with such unforeseen hatred and would not stop. All the frustration he felt had turned into hatred and was now manifesting itself through his fists with immense fury. He struck him relentlessly, his arms moving like pistons.
The sailor did not manage to withstand the attack and fell unconscious into my arms. My friend however could not stop because he had suffered abuse every day for so long and his suppressed anger was now spilling over.
I let go of the sailor and tried to hold my friend back, but he had so much hatred inside him, he grabbed a heavy chair and smashed it over the unconscious body of the sailor. Seeing him motionless on the floor, with no reaction and no movement, he stopped and looked at him, great satisfaction spreading over his face.
We stood for a while looking at him until he started moving and groaning slightly. We looked out into the corridor and did not see anyone. Nobody saw us, nobody heard a thing. So, we decided to leave him lying there and flee, thinking that he would be too embarrassed to name us as his attackers.
We went to my cabin feeling pleased with the result and started talking and planning what to say in case the sailor eventually reported us. We were not particularly worried because the captain, at most, would impose a fine upon us, or expel us from the ship.
Hours passed, the whole night passed, and the next morning arrived. At lunch time, we went to the dining room to eat, but the sailor was nowhere to be seen. As soon as we entered, all eyes were upon us because everybody had realized what happened and nobody believed the sailor’s story about falling down some steps.
At the next port, the sailor left the ship.   
I visited New Orleans many times in 1977. Because of the Greek sailors visiting its large port at the time, there were many Greek shops there, even a bouzoukia night club.
It is a beautiful area with a mild climate, a lot of greenery and many sights. Visitors fall in love with the town as soon as they set eyes on it and wish they could live there.
New Orleans is built on the banks of the Mississippi, the largest river of the country. Its waters flow for many kilometres until reaching the sea, and the wild natural beauty with old trees, colourful birds, beavers and endless swamps constitute a huge wetland ecosystem with hundreds of living creatures, alligators, reptiles and other amphibians.      
Winter is mild and does not last long, while the summers are hot and rainy.
It is inhabited by people of many races with most of the population being of African descent. It was established as a French colony during the sixteenth century and its name was linked to the slave trade, riverboats and Jazz. The city of New Orleans boasts the famous French Market, the museum with the famous wax sculptures of famous persons and the Tremé Quarter where Jazz was born and developed, as well as the famous French Quarter and Bourbon Street, the former overflowing with jazz music culture and the latter overrun by houses of ill repute and criminality everywhere, out in the streets and behind bright lights where suspicious night activities coexist with carnal lust and other pleasures.
Bourbon Street, a name linked with prostitution and drugs. The street with countless establishments hosting hell and paradise, prostitution and exploitation, suspicious transactions between the lawless and big contraband behind closed doors. A busy street with vibrant and strong colours in the shop windows, yellows, greens and purples.
The passersby were mostly of mixed race, walking to the rhythm of jazz. The women were big, juicy and jaunty, showing off their big breasts and provocative behinds. They were negro, mixed race and creole, all beautiful and desirable with a firm step that made their firm buttocks wobble. I thought that, maybe, Paradise was right here, on the famous and infamous Bourbon street.
The shipowner Stavros Niarchos named the tanker that carried us to New Orleans “EUGENIE”, after his wife Eugenia. To reach our destination we sailed up the Mississippi, the largest river of North America, considered in the past as the boundary of the “Wild West” flowing down the country over a distance of six thousand kilometres and washing into the bay of Mexico, the largest ocean lagoon in the world. The call it the “great river” and is an essential transportation artery as it is navigable almost to its source. It is a wild river that man never managed to tame. When it floods, its waters cover vast territories. Various projects aiming to harness its great force always fail before its power.
On the ship I worked as a junior engineer and carried out the duties of third engineer. These were duties assigned to me by the first engineer because the third engineer of the ship had no idea about engines. Because of this, I carried out my shifts with him, as his equal. I was a good mechanic and deserved my promotion. The third engineer was a man from the island of Chios and he was recruited without having a diploma or knowledge of engineering but simply because he was a relative of the chief engineer of the company fleet.
He was from Chios and came along with his cousin, a stoker. They were inseparable, they stayed together in the same cabin, they ate together, they worked their shifts together exactly like the old story that says, 'peaple fron Chios always walk in twos', and all this, in breach of the regulations because on ships, there needs to be a separation between officers and lower-ranking crew. The third engineer was an officer while the stoker was just crew. In ships there are separate dining and recreation areas for lower-ranking crew and higher-ranking crew in order to keep the necessary distance which is conducive for discipline. In their case however, an exception was made, by orders that came from the higher echelons of the company.       
The Islanders of Chios were mainly fishermen, a low-income profession as it depended not only on hard and dangerous work but also on the weather which usually renders the sea rough and wild. Therefore, they considered seamen as rich and aristocratic because they received a steady salary, and all wished to become seamen. Those who could, were recruited on ships.
One will therefore find many Chios islanders on ships in agreement with the well-known saying of “people from Chios always walk in twos”. The Chios people acquired this habit for mutual support, and even though it is misunderstood by many, it actually shows their intelligence. This support for each other became well known because, during the Ottoman occupation, a Turk in Chios had the right to ask a Greek on the street to lift him on his back and carry him. The Chios islanders could not accept this and, instead, loaded one of their own on their back to carry, so they would not be forced to carry a Turk.
The two men from Chios were friendly and very likeable. Their extreme kindness was etched on their faces and no bad words ever came out of their lips. For days and nights, we carried out endless shifts together, and we really got on well. Many years passed since then and they are of the few that I can still remember their names. Mikes and Stamatis. Mikes was simple and thickset, just like the strong and thick trunk of an oak and his strong arms could bend steel. Stamatis was slight and pretended to be devious without being very clever in reality, but this bothered nobody, as they all saw his kind side. In any case, nobody would dare mess with him as his cousin was always next to him, standing like a brick wall.
As our shifts coincided, so did our shore leaves. Before our first shore leave in New Orleans, we mainly talked about the sinful Bourbon street we were going to visit and how it was filled with shops stocking all types of pornographic material, sexual services for sale and all kinds of sex toys and accessories, enhancing substances and all sorts of secrets on straight or gay carnal pleasure. This is where all the clubs were located and where the famous naked go-go girls danced seductively and sensually, lifting the libido of the audience.
In those days, it was fashionable to have go-go girls in bars. These were beautiful young girls who danced practically naked on poles and stages a little higher than the customers, for their enjoyment, but the customers were not allowed to touch them. They danced slow routines, alone and held the male population spellbound. They only wore a tiny string and that was the only place where customers were allowed to touch in order to hang dollars as payment for the wonderful shows they were staging. Any other contact was strictly prohibited and for this reason there was discreet surveillance of every customer’s movements by bouncers, for the prevention of any unauthorized contact. God help anyone who dared breach the bar code. Immediately, countless bodyguards would appear out of nowhere and savagely beat the culprit.
We reached the infamous street and followed the call of one of the many touts outside the bars, into an empty bar. A very beautiful and petite dancer was gyrating on the stage and beckoned us to enter. As soon as her eyes fell on the stoker, she stood right above him, possibly considering that he was an easy target being so slight and kind-looking.
Stamatis was wearing a brand-new suit that matched his tie. He was freshly shaven and bathed and was doused in fragrant cologne. He looked like a well-paid merchant marine officer and, in comparison, wearing our plain clothes, we looked like his subordinates.
So, the little dancer zeroed on the well-paid, in her opinion, officer, considering him to be a good customer. She probably thought that she was going to get good tips from him.
We sat near the stage and enjoyed the view she offered with her dancing, but she was gyrating over the stoker as if we did not exist, and she was not going to leave him.
The minutes ticked away, but the stoker did not offer any tips. The girl, annoyed, was getting closer to him, thrusting her pelvis into his face and making him heave with desire. We thought, and, most probably, so did the stripper, that he was doing this to pretend that he is a tough little man but would pay eventually. He had placed his cigarettes and gold lighter on the stage and had devoted himself completely on watching the beautiful girl. By now, she was dancing angrily, indicating to him that he should hang money on the thin thread that held her flimsy underwear together. In the end, having received no response, she stopped dancing and vociferously demanded her payment. The damned stoker, however, proved to be stingy and refused so the young girl grabbed his gold lighter and moved away from us. He was about to go after her, but I realized that we were going to get into trouble and grabbed him by the arm to stop him. I explained to him that if we made a fuss in these places of ill repute abroad, we would disappear without a trace. The stoker was very upset because his lighter was gold and therefore expensive and he said that he was going to make a fuss to get it back, even if this meant he was going to get a beating.
Seeing that we were not going to get out of this situation, I told him to wait and give me a chance to think. I came up with the idea of grabbing the lighter from her when she least expected us to do so, since she was alone in the little room, and immediately running away fast so that the bouncers of the club standing behind the screens could not catch us.
It was a difficult moment, we had taken a big decision, but we were forced to do it because the stoker was going to make a fuss anyway. I knew that we were in a dangerous place, protected by tough and dangerous people of the criminal world who would surely rush out upon hearing the slightest noise.
So, we put our plan to action, the stoker grabbed the lighter from the girl’s hands, and we ran. I still have flashbacks of their terrifying voices swearing while chasing us.  
I don’t know how many there were, nobody looked back, but we ran at great speed. I am sure that, had we run the 100 metre sprint that night, we would have come first.
Our sprint led us to a narrow street, and we saw the boatswain of the ship standing in a lit doorway with some sailors. We stopped there feeling that in the company of our own people, we would not be in danger. And, indeed, we realised that we were no longer chased, and our hearts went back to their normal beat.
 The bright door was the entrance to a Greek night club.  Above the door there was a sign that read “ATHENS, Greek Bouzoukia”. We went up the stairs and found all the crew that was not on shift sitting and having fun the Greek way, with the sound of bouzouki music playing Angelopoulos’s song “I am a refugee”.

I served as a trainee mechanic and Junior Engineer on four tankers belonging to the Stavros Niarchos company. The “Southern Union”, the “Eugenie”, the “Eugenie S. Niarchos” and the “World Knowledge”.
We usually took cargo on board from the Persian Gulf and mainly from Ras Tanura. During one of our voyages to this port, we remained anchored for two months. It was difficult times for tankers and, until the ship owning companies entered into the next charter, a lot of ships remained anchored and waiting outside ports. It was the first and only time we needed to wait for so long.
After loading our cargo, we set sail for Cape Town, a voyage that was quite long and lasted one month because the ship was using economy speed. In Ras Tanura we usually loaded from platforms that were at a distance from the shore. That long voyage, together with remaining anchored and waiting, kept us at sea for three continuous months. In my nautical career, this was the longest period I stayed on a ship without setting foot on dry land.
The long voyages, as well as the short time tankers were required to stay in port because discharging the cargo did not take too long, drove many seamen to choose cargo or passenger ships for work.
Tankers are dangerous ships because they carry liquid cargoes that are unstable. They sink and break in two more easily. The seamen working on these ships are men with stamina who have courage and patience and who can withstand a life full of danger and seclusion. A voyage on a tanker is an unsurpassable magical experience because the seaman lives between the sky and the sea for a long period of time, alone, with only his solitude and lonely thoughts as company, surrounded by the elements of nature.   
During this voyage, we came across many storms, large and small. Others against us and others behind us, pushing us along and, depending on their force, we either sailed along or against them. One storm during that voyage really caused us trouble and frightened us more than any other. The waves were immense, they grabbed the large ship and lifted it onto their crest as if it was a walnut shell ready to break. As it rose, it creaked with a horrendous slow sound, like from another world. All of us on shifts in the engine room and the helm, but the others also, who were on standby and alert, counted the seconds it took the wave to lift us holding our breath. We breathed out only when we felt that we were descending the wave. We brought to the forefront of our thoughts what we should do in case the ship broke. Would we have time to get out onto the deck and lower the lifeboats? Would the pull of the ship drag us down or would we have time to distance ourselves?
There were also lovely days, and nights with a full moon and calm seas. On those nights, when the sea is like a milk pond and the moon is full, we would get the chance while on deck to be carried away, reminisce and feel nostalgic.
One night, I finished my shift in the engine room and came out of the hot steam onto the deck to breathe some fresh air. It was a night with no stars and no moon, the sky was dark and ink black, yet the sea glowed white and reflective, a vast expanse up to where the eye could see, a strange and inexplicable phenomenon, a beautiful and enigmatic spectacle that caused awe and admiration. Charmed and ecstatic, I stood and observed the limitless phosphorescent glow without being able to explain it. I was looking at it trying to understand it but had no answer.
We had a sixty-year-old stoker on board, from the island of Chios. He had retired and went ashore to live out his remaining days but could not tolerate the tranquility of land life and went back on the ships without even thinking of his advanced age.
Anyone talking with older people always learns new things. However, he didn’t have an explanation for the phosphorescent glow of the sea, all he knew was the story of the Fairy from an island, who surfaces from the bottom of the sea and walks on the waves to meet her beloved Captain Giorkis. This is when the phenomenon occurs, the sea goes white and the rest of creation falls into darkness….
It is a story, an old myth, about a worker in the shipyard who didn’t like building caiques but instead loved sailing in them. He longed for adventures on the waves. He loved the sea, it was as if the sirens and sea fairies beckoned him. So, he sailed, the years passed and, as a Captain, he travelled distant and dangerous seas. The Fairy cove however, was his haven, his anchorage, his home. He travelled extensively, voyages were his whole life, but he always returned to his haven. There, he had his home and his wife who always waited for him scanning the horizon. She adored him greatly, he was her captain, and she was his beautiful wife. Everyone was envious of the Captain and his good luck…
But, one damned and dark night, Giorkis’ caique disappeared during a storm. The villagers waited for days to hear news but there was only silence. Those who knew about travels and sailing could not offer any hope for survival. His wife did not want to believe it and mourned him for many days, until she could no longer withstand the loss and lost her mind. Nobody could find her at home, she was always at the seaside gazing and waiting, and crying unconsolably. Until one day she heard the Fairies of the sea calling her. With her hair loose and a smile on her face she walked into the waves and was lost in the depths of the sea in search of her beloved Captain. Since then, every time there is no moon or stars, the sky is dark and the sea is calm, a white majestic phosphorescent light emanates from the deep, and some people see the Fairy walking on the waves and disappearing beneath them. 
This is a story of local Greek folklore, a legend, maybe a true story, showing the pain of those left behind.
During this voyage, I saw beautiful places, I saw the sea full of little boats with fishermen far from the shore, fishing in deep waters with no engines on their boats, with just a small sail on a small mast.  I saw the sea brimming with fish, I saw her change colours, I saw her phosphorescent in the night and emerald in the morning, I saw her take the best of all the colours of the rainbow, an exquisite and beautiful vision, a balsam to our souls and our hearts.
I saw many more things, but the stories of the old stoker filled my mind and took over my thoughts, casting a shadow over the beauty of the new seas as they caressed the feet of the tall ridges on the shores far away on the horizon.